Regular and punctual attendance is necessary to achieve satisfactory school work.
Unable to attend the Flag Ceremony at 7:30 a.m. every Monday.
Unable to come back on time after the morning break and afternoon break.
Unable to come on or before 7:30 in the morning and 1:30 in the afternoon.
Secure excuse letter signed by the Prefect of Students and adviser.
Students who comes late will be absent for the duration of half-day.
To cut class is forbidden. If urgent reason(s) prompt it and for emergency purpose only, a written permission shall be made by the parents/guardian addressed to the Class Adviser and/or Prefect of Students.
A student who has been absent the previous day(s) must present an excuse letter duly signed by his/her parents/guardians to the Class Adviser and/or Prefect of Students.
For absences due to sickness, a doctor’s certification is to be presented when the student returns to school.
A student requesting to be absent from classes for valid reasons, must submit a letter duly signed by his/her parents to the Class Adviser who will in turn, submit the letter to the Prefect of Students for evaluation and recommendation. The Prefect of the Students shall submit the letter to the Principal for further evaluation and approval.
A student who incurs more than the allowed number of absences for the school year (20% or 40 days), either excused or unexcused, may be considered as DROPPED.
Students must bring the required textbooks to class. Textbooks must be neatly covered. No student is allowed to go out because she/he needs to go home to get them. Borrowing of textbooks and other learning materials from other sections in-between periods in NOT allowed. Students must not leave their textbooks inside the classroom. Lost textbook/s must be reported immediately to the librarian on duty.
3.2. Special Examinations. Special Examination may only be given to students who failed to take the scheduled Examinations due to either of the following reasons:
3.2.1. Death of immediate family member.
3.2.2. Serious illness.
3.2.3. Natural calamity directly affecting the student and his/her family.
3.2.4. unable to pay the tuition and fees on time.
If a student does not have a valid reason for being absent during the said examination, she/he gets ZERO mark for that Examination.
Only a student who has been cleared of financial obligations and other requirements is allowed to take the Examination.
If a student fails to pay on time, she/he will have to pay a penalty fee of Php 200.00 for all the subjects before she/he can be schedules for special Examination.
3.3. The school keeps all checked Final Periodical Test Papers. Prior to filing, all checked Periodical Test Papers will however be shown to the students for counter check. The Periodical Test Papers will also be shown to the parents a week after the Periodical Examination.
Report Cards/Grades Report are issued at the end of each quarter. Parents/guardians are expected to get the report card, show it to his/her child, and sign it. The signed report card is returned to the Class Adviser on the designated date.
4.1. Failure of parents/guardians to claim the report card on the date specified by the Registrar’s Office will mean non-admittance of their child to class until they come to claim the Report Card.
4.2. The highest grade for any grading period is 100%. The lowest grade (to appear in the report card) that can be given to a student after transmutation of the performance shall be 70. All raw scores are to be computed to 0=0 basis.
5.1. A student, with a failing mark at the end of the school year cannot be readmitted to the next year level unless she/he takes summer/remedial class and is able to pass it.
A. Definition of Cheating
Cheating means seeking to obtain an unfair advantage in an examination or in other written or practical work required to be submitted or completed by a student for assessment. Assisting to cheat means assisting student(s) in an examination or other written or practical work. When the work submitted for assessment by two or more persons is the same or substantially the same this work submitted is a prima facie evidence of cheating by those people.
Cheating is also defines as any illegitimate behavior designed to deceive those setting, administering, and marking the assessment. Cheating is obtaining or attempting to obtain, or aiding another to obtain credit for work, or any improvement of evaluation of performance, by any dishonest or deceptive means.
B. Types of Cheating
The following examples of cheating listed here are intended to be representative, but not all inclusive.
Seeking Unfair Advantage for Oneself
1. Examination/Tests
a. Acting dishonestly in any way including fabrication of data, whether before, during, or after an examination or other assessment so as to either obtain or offer to others an unfair advantage in that examination or assessment;
b. Changing an answer on a graded test and claiming the student’s response to the question was incorrectly marked wrong;
c. Copying from another student’s test paper;
d. Looking at another student’s test during an exam;
e. Possessing crib notes at the location and during the time of the exam;
f. Using crib notes, handouts, textbooks, or the like during an exam when prohibited;
g. Using a code system, such as tapping of hand signals, to communicate answers on an exam to other;
h. Feigning illness or telling falsehoods to avoid taking an exam at the scheduled time;
i. Knowingly reviewing an unauthorized copy of an exam or leakage;
j. Utilizing a calculator and/or other learning aids not expressly allowed by the teacher;
k. Storing, receiving, and/or other electronic device that can be used during an exam period without teacher authorization;
l. Obtaining assistance in answering questions on a take-home exam, when such action is specifically prohibited;
m. Selling or buying crib notes or answer keys;
n. Stealing, obtaining, or arranging for the theft of an exam;
o. Claiming falsely that one took the examination at the scheduled time;
p. Attempting to bias a teacher’s grading after an exam;
q. Using bribery or threats to obtain an undeserved grade;
r. Having someone else take an exam in your place; and
s. Other similar activities.
2. Papers/Reports
a. Stealing another student’s report and submitting it as one’s own work;
b. Submitting a report purchased from a commercial service selling research/term papers;
c. Copying the work of other student’s in whole or in pert and submitting it as your own;
d. Submitting the same term paper to two or more different teachers for credit in their subject, without their prior permission;
e. Other similar activities.
3. Laboratory/Homework
a. Depending upon others to complete laboratory assignments or homework when instructions call for independent work;
b. Inventing, falsifying, or altering data for a research survey or laboratory experiment;
c. Sabotaging someone else’s laboratory work or other exercise;
d. Turning in a laboratory report for an experiment or exercise not done by you; and
e. Other similar activities.
Giving Unfair Advantage to Others
1. Examinations/Test
a. Allowing another student to copy from your test paper;
b. Giving your returned exam to another student preparing to take a makeup or special test;
c. Helping others answer questions on take-home exams, when such assistance is specifically prohibited;
d. Sharing test questions with students in another section;
e. Transmitting electronically to another student information stored in or sent via a calculator, cellular phone, computer, or other electronic device during an examination period without teacher authorization;
f. Using a code system, such as tapping or hand signals, to communicate answers on an exam to others;
g. Taking an exam in place of someone else; and
h. Other similar activities.
2. Papers/reports
a. Permitting another student to copy your homework.
b. Providing a substantial research assistance to another student for writing a report;
c. Writing a paper for another student; and
3. Laboratory/homework
a. Allowing the copying of the write-up of your laboratory work or homework by others;
b. Assisting others on laboratory assignments or homework, when the instruction called for independent work.
C. Penalties
Cheating During a Minor Assessment
First offense - One (1) Post and a Zero in the Assessment
Second Offense - Two (2) posts and a Zero in the Assessment
Third and succeeding offense - Suspension and a Failing Grade of 70 in the Subject for One Quarter
Cheating During Major Assessment
1. For a long test, chapter test, requirement and/or project given a big weight in the grade
First Offense - Zero in the Assessment
Second and succeeding offenses - Failing Grade of 70 in the Subject for One Quarter and possible dismissal
2. For periodical examination
First Offense - Failing Grade of 70 in the Subject for One Quarter
Second Offense - Failing Grade of 70 in the Subject for One Quarter Dismissal
1.1 The graduation / Moving Up is a formal and public recognition that a student has fulfilled the minimum requirements of the Loyola College of Culion Education. It is also an occasion where the school recognizes the Academic and Non-Academic Achievements of the graduating students during their stay at the LCC junior High School Unit.
1.2 Grade 10 who have met the requirements for completion and with deportment who have passed the Academic standard set by DepEd may be allowed to join the Completion Exercise.
1.3 Grade 10 student will not be allowed to join the completion if she/ he has a failing mark in the Final Rating. A grade 10 who has incurred a serious offense, and misconduct, is likewise not allowed to participate in the graduation ceremony.
2.1 A student is placed on Academic Probation Status if he/she incurs two (2) or more Red Marks/ Grades (75 and below).
2.2 A student is placed on Academic Probation status in order to:
2.2.1 Call attention to serious deficiencies in his/ her academic performance.
2.2.2 Warn him/her and inform his/her parents or guardians of the serious consequences of his/her Academic deficiencies and the possibility of his/her separation from the school if such deficiencies continue to occur.
2.2.3 Set conditions for his/ her continued stay in school.
2.3 Conditions for Academic Probation:
2.3.1 S/he is expected to improve his/her academic performance for the succeeding quarters of the current school year.
2.3.2 S/he must enroll in the Remedial Session (if there is any) conducted by the school.
2.3.3 S/he may participate in co-curricular activities including varsity or athletic organizations only if he/she has shown Satisfactory Academic Performance and after, securing the explicit and written permission of his/her parents/ guardians has been approved by the Class Adviser and the Principal.
2.3.4 Failure to observe Conditions for Academic Probation
A student who fai8losto observe the conditions for academic Probation will be dismissed from LCC at the end of the school year.
At the end of the second and Fourth quarters, the Faculty together with the class Advisers, Subject Teachers, Principal, Guidance Counselor, Prefect of Students and the President review and deliberate on the Academic Achievement and Conduct/ Discipline of students. The deliberation aims to identify to students who have problems on Academic Performance and Conduct.