If I were asked how did I get here and how am I able to reach this far, most definitely it is because of the people surrounding me, who has supported me, pushed me to do more, and has been by my side throughout this journey.

To our School President, Rev. Fr. Neupito J. Saicon, Jr. S.J., to our Director of Formation, Rev. Fr. Joseph Patrick Echevarria, S.J., to our Senior High School Teacher-in-Charge Ms. Erika Therese A. Nuñez, to our Junior High School Acting Principal Ms. Ma. Persevilla B. Pitogo, to our respected guests especially to our guest speaker Dr. Arturo C. Cunanan Jr., to our honoured teachers, faculty and school staff, to our beloved families, and to my fellow graduates, a magis evening to all of you! 

Just like a caterpillar undergoes a transformative journey to become a butterfly, we too have experienced growth, change, and metamorphosis during our time in school. As we prepare to spread our wings and fly, let us remember the cocoon of support, encouragement, and learning that has nurtured us along the way. As we gather here to celebrate this significant milestone and look towards the future with hope and excitement, let us take a moment to pause, reflect, and express our deepest gratitude and appreciation for the years of hard work and to those who have made this day possible. 

First and foremost, I want to start by expressing my heartfelt gratitude to our Almighty God. The knowledge, skills, and strength He has bestowed upon us have led us to this remarkable milestone. His blessings, guidance, and divine providence have been instrumental in our academic, physical, emotional, and spiritual journey. Without His presence in our lives, none of this would have been possible. 

I extend my genuine appreciation to Loyola College of Culion for being the foundation of who I am today. As a proud Loyolan for the past six years, I continue to be mesmerized by the transformative impact this institution has on its students, molding them into the finest versions of themselves. The Jesuit education we have embraced has instilled in us the strength and determination to face the future with confidence, embodying the values of a compassionate student who upholds a deep connection with God, extends a helping hand especially to the marginalized, and demonstrates care for our shared environment. Speaking on behalf of the graduates, I am confident that we will carry forward the values, lessons, and cherished memories from our time here as we venture into new horizons. Additionally, in my six years at LCC, I express my gratitude to the Loyola Scholarship Program much known as LSP, for supporting me as one of its scholars. The opportunity and inspiration provided by the scholarship have propelled me to exceed my limits, strive for excellence, and remain steadfast in my pursuit of growth.

I also extend my sincere gratitude to our teachers and formators for their patience, wisdom, and encouragement. Your commitment to our education has been a guiding light, shaping our minds and nurturing our potential. We are deeply appreciative of your tireless dedication in helping us achieve this precious moment. Special acknowledgement goes to our adviser, Sir Kervin Dale L. Tiok, who exemplifies what it means to go above and beyond the role of a teacher. Beyond imparting knowledge, you have shown us love and care, always being present for us. You are the epitome of a teacher who not only educates but also cherishes his students wholeheartedly.

To our beloved parents, proud families, and supportive friends, thank you for your consistent assistance, love, and sacrifices. Your belief in us, words of encouragement, and endless support have been the foundation of our success. We share this achievement with you, knowing that your love has been our greatest strength. On a personal note, I wish to express my heartwarming gratitude to my pillars of strength. Ma, Pa, we are slowly getting closer to our dreams. I dedicate all my achievements to you, understanding the sacrifices you have made to provide me with the opportunity to learn and access education. 

Finally, to my fellow graduates, thank you for simply not giving up, persevering, and thriving throughout this academic year 2023-2024. As we reflect on our time together, we hold dear the memories, laughter, and shared moments that have defined our journey. Each challenge we faced, each triumph we celebrated, has shaped us into the individuals we are today. I appreciate the growth, friendships, and valuable lessons that have enriched us. I will forever treasure and cherish the memories we have shared together especially to my class. Let us all continue achieving our dreams no matter what circumstances may come. If there's a will there's a way, there are many opportunities waiting for us, do not give up on your dreams because I believe in the quote that goes "Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars" because I did shoot for the moon, not just once or twice, and I am sure enough that if ever you missed, you'll land among the stars just like I did. I would also like to remind each and every one of us to not be pressured especially as we enter college, remember, we are on our own phase, echoing the lyrics of BINI's song "Karera,"—"Wag mag-alala, buhay ay 'di karera." As we step into the next chapter of our lives, goodbyes can be difficult because we want to share a physical space with the people close to us, but at the same time, goodbyes are a natural thing. The best thing to do when people say goodbye is to wave back and wish to see them again. 

Once again, thank you, each and every one of you, for being part of this incredible journey. Your support, encouragement, and belief in us have been the driving force behind our success. Together, we have reached this momentous occasion, and for that, I am eternally grateful. 

Thank you, and congratulations to the graduating class of 2023-2024!


Message delivered by Dr Arturo C, Cunanan, Jr. on the occasion as Guest Speaker of the LCC Commencement Exercises.





It is with great pleasure and distinct honor and privilege to be invited and be your commencement speaker for this school year 2023-2024.


Our National government specifically the Department of Education has indeed come up with various innovative learning and development approaches following the many challenges brought by Covid 19 pandemic as well the current concern of the high humidity index brought by the high temperature bringing great discomfort to both the students and teachers alike. These challenges brought forth a hybrid system of education using virtual technology and a mix face to face interaction. How this affects the quality of learning and the future of education in the country is still subject to many interpolations and study of returning to the old school calendar and how K to 12 program can provide an effective and quality educational system comparable to international standard and rankings.


So you the graduating class has experienced the worst and the best of times and as you march and receive this diploma today , I hope that these challenges has made you more prepared and stronger to the test of times, the uncertainty and labile future that each of you will face and have to prepare in the coming years.


GRADUATION is a process, a means, it is not an end but rather a new start. A stepping up, another beginning... A new Journey… Have you thought of how many more graduations will be on your way, how may more graduations that you will be undertaking in your life… as a career and life goals, it is just like a ladder navigating one stair at a time to reach the top- so now you have move up 1 step in your journey and look up and see there are more steps to overcome, with your parents as your side to hold and guide you, put you up when you’re down  and even carry you as you navigate the stairs and steps of your success.


High Recognition and accolades goes to all our beloved parents, my esteemed congratulations, for today your toils and labour and sacrifices of sending your child to school has now bear fruits and with such happiness and joy as you walk with them in this graduation day.  A great accomplishments indeed and I salute you all for the love, understanding and commitment in providing your children the best gift of this life – education. “As my late father and mother would tell us while we are studying here in SIA, we are poor and we don’t have material things to give you but will do our best that you continue to study and have the education-    for your education will be the only wealth that we can leave for your future … truly indeed such gift made me of what I am today,


This graduation is a great start from where you are now … for it will matters for where you will be in the future. Love your parents dearly – say thank you for this gift of education, the best gift of your life- that will impact who you will be 10 years from now.


I wish too, to extend my warmest congratulations to the  Culion SJ community , the LCC administrators, and teachers  that despite the many challenges brought by the decreasing financial support and changing needs and priorities of the Jesuit society to meet their mission, we are very thankful that the youth of Culion still continue to receive the quality and well known Jesuit education, enduring mark of the mission of changing lives changing community and society thru high value education , preparing youth to be morally upright and be a good Filipinos, God fearing , who love his country  and family and  care for his fellowmen , his environment, making each graduate a well-rounded person- an Ignatian in mind, in heart and  spirit. Ad Majorem de Gloriam.. Fortes in Fide. Hoping the society of Jesus mission in Culion particularly in the field of education  will still continue to find meaning and importance as they saw in the 1930s when they started the Mission School. 


As I gaze around the school campus, it brings back memories of spending my elementary and high school days in this compound… years full of struggle, of needs and wants and even of finding identity. Years when stigma brought by leprosy, stigma of being from the generations of people isolated and segregated ostracized ridiculed stigmatized and discriminated against, which transcend not only to our sick forefathers but to us the next generations. This Stigma we have to face and endured even studying in Manila noting what Culion signifies as a place of living dead and what we have to do to survive and overcome.


There was then competitions about quality education between schools not only within Culion but even outside and in national competency examinations and other validations, your school, our school SIA-LCC has been always on the top, This quality of education lifted how outside people think about Culion,   that despite being of generations of leprosy, our minds and talents  are far better that those who stigmatized us. Our Alma mater has made a narrative that leprosy ravage the body but not the mind and the spirit. That SIA students of Culion are one  of the best in the Calamianes if not in Palawan


Gone are those days and you are very fortunate that you have grown up and live when your environment has been different from when I grew up. The SJ and the SPC has installed on us the virtues of humility, resilience hard work, perseverance, patience and most of all the values of prayers and faith in God. The LCC environment and teachings have nurtured you and prepare you to the path that even the hardest challenges you will and can endure and survive.


So let’s all be thankful for this blessings and I hope and pray that our Jesuits Fathers will continue their dedicated service for indeed you my dear fathers have transformed lives and made what Culion  is today, by the graduates that SIA-LCC has produced.. We the alumnus is truly indebted to the education, morals and values that we have received that had guided and honed us to where we are today… So my dear graduates, you have what it takes to be successful, you have what it needs to go on and build your dreams


To my dear graduates, as you march toward the stage and receive your diploma, have you think what the future lies ahead… 


Go and find your way to your success, there is much to do, there is much to learn and there is much achieve, go and find your place in the sun. Do what you think is best, do what you love most and make your parents and your alma mater proud


I can still remember, our school director then would say to me, you are from Culion, don’t think you are isolated and in a disadvantaged, dream big, dream beyond those mountains that you see for there is more to see beyond, struggle and make your way and be somebody and come back home to be a blessing and serve Culion and your people, for no one will love Culion better than you do.


That is the same advice I would leave to you today, dream big and work your dream, find yourself and be successful in the field you have chosen, be good and gentle to yourself, put God in your life, practise your faith, be patient, persevere, work hard… your alma mater, your teachers has provided the best education and preparation… what matters in the end and what spell success is YOU.


Come back home after and be a blessing to Culion, serve the people, serve your country, serve humanity.


I wish you all the best in your journey, I pray that each of you would find success in all your endeavours. Good luck and God bless you all, Congratulations.


You're here, at your graduation ceremony, smiling, clapping and cheering, because the world didn't end when you told yourself that you could not do it. 

A magis evening to our dear school administrators, faculty and staff, honorable guests, our proud parents, loved ones, and you my fellow graduates. 

I would like to start off by congratulating each one of you here today. Indeed, we’ve come a long way since 2018... But we’ve done it, we’re finally through with high school. We're finally through with waking up early to take 2 morning classes of Sir Dhoi na never na-late and nag dismiss ng maaga, we're finally through the constant grind moments sa mga pts and performances na mas piniling gawin ng late dahil akala siguro natin ay may super powers tayo, we're finally through iyakan moments, especially sa research na mas gugustuhin pa nating i-defend by combat at hindi sa avr o comlab, and we're finally through paawa moments sa mga teachers, sunod sunod na yawyaw from parents, and constant tanong sa sarili na what if, hindi ko po kayanin? 

But looking back from where we started, I felt extremely grateful for where I am today. (Dapat kayo rin). However, I've also come to understand that being grateful goes beyond positive results. It goes beyond "finally, nakatapos na ako at makaka-usad na ako". Rather, being grateful should also be a representation of all the trials and tribulations that helped us grow as a person. And I know we are full of it throughout our journey here to graduation... just like in my experiences... 

I remember as a child, I was never academically good. I was not good at math, or English, especially in science which children my age are most good at. In fact, I only learned how to read when I was halfway to grade 4 and formally received an academic excellence award in grade 6. When I entered junior high school, I was not consistently good at academics either. I'm just surviving and coping with the expectations to do good to make your parents proud. "Bahala na'yan, pasa ko na'to, pasa na'yan. Ayan lang kaya ko e. Hindi naman ako gaya ng iba na magaling sa lahat." In short, go with the flow, Clow. " Bagsak kung bagsak" . So if you ask me if I was excelling and determined from the very beginning? No, I'm not.  

I remember as a child, I never dreamed of becoming someone that most children of my age dreamed of becoming. Even up to almost half of my journey in senior high school, I still can't see my self in any profession, even wearing this or that professional uniform or being called with this professional name. I am still that little girl nowhere to find her passion and dreams in life. "Kapit lang sa suwerte, tadhana at tsamba, Clow. Kung anong mangyayari, mangyayari naman 'yan. Bahala na si batman." So if you would ask me if I already knew what I wanted and planned my future, particularly as someone who is excelling in everything she chooses to do? No, I wasn't able to figure out it earlier than you possibly expected me to be. 

Because of this, I remembered that I've always come to moments when I don't understand myself anymore. Where I am full of questions that remain unanswered. I kept on questioning myself, and my abilities, especially my dreams and passion because I was starting to be filled with insecurities, and pressure. I'm starting to question if "Magaling ba talaga ako? Kaya ko ba talaga? May pangarap ba ako? Malalaman ko pa kaya? And May marararing paba ako sa buhay?"

But now, as I reflect on everything I've become and achieved. I felt grateful for these experiences. I'm proud to say that I am no longer that little girl who is limiting the things she can do and improve in herself. I am now able to do the things and excel in them that I thought I would never be good at. I'm proud to say that I am no longer that little girl crying every night trying to envision her dreams and passion because I am now an aspiring future doctor with a passion for becoming a woman for others, just like my Jesuit education and Sir Dale have inspired me to be. 

That little girl is even now standing in front of you here today, delivering her speech as the batch valedictorian. 

These stories is not for you to realize that you have to be academically good in order to feel accomplished or for you to identify you dreams. Rather,  it is through these stories that I've come to understand 3 important values in life that I want to share to you. 

First, I've come to understand that we should always have the courage to create our flow, and never go with the flow. This is a lesson that we have to take risks and step outside of our comfort zone if we want to achieve something great in life. 

Second, I learned this lesson not just from my experiences but also from a one of a kind teacher in my Junior High School days. And. It is the lesson  that whatever will be, will always be up to me. It will always be up to us. It will not be up to them, to fate, destiny,  Tsamba? At suwerte? No, it will always be up to you. We should always be reminded that wherever we are in life and whatever we will be, it's because of us. It's because of you and you made it all happen. It may be good or bad, always be grateful for it.

And lastly, I've come to understand that when we start to question ourselves, always have the courage to turn those question marks into an exclamation point. From, kaya ko ba? To kaya ko!  From, may pangarap ba ako? To may pangarap ako! And from, may mararating ba ako? To may mararating ako! 

As we embark on a new chapter, it will surely be harder and unfair than it already is. Always push yourself to stand grateful and strong in both your successes and tribulations. This is a lesson for us always to have the courage to create our flow, and never go with the flow, understand that everything will always be up to us and the things we will do, and never be afraid to transition our life's question marks into an exclamation point. After all, we are always more than what we think we are and capable of so many great things that we thought we could not. We can even move forward and still be strong even when we feel like we are not. So fight and continue, this will all be paid off. 

But in the end this is not just a lesson for us but a reminder that each one of you here today has received something great and stood strong from all the hard times and strokes of bad luck. But we may also remember that these will not be possible without the people behind our success and accomplishment. 

To Fr. Neo and Fr. Patrick, thank you for your dedication to the development of our beloved alma mater and your commitment to service. Indeed, you've shown us the true value of being men and women for others. We will forever be grateful to you. Maraming salamat po! 

To our teachers who never failed to make us feel that there's always room for growth, and never limited us to what we can do, maraming salamat po! Wala po kami dito, kung wala kayo. 

Especially to our Mr. Kervin Dale L. Tiok and Ms. Marijoy A. Doldig, thank you for everything you did. (Indeed, senior high school is so hard to step on as we embark on our new journey in life, but you made it all bearable.) Your existence will always and forever  will be a gift. Para din po sa inyo 'to! 

To my St. John de Britto class, you are the best. I'm forever grateful for each of your lives. I'm always rooting for you! 

Thank you also to my support systems throughout this journey, Lance, Dom, Ranz, Jamel, Tradio, Tam, Daniella, Iya, Micah, Kc, Risenjay, Angel, Pauline, Kikay, my D, and Esra, thank you for believing, staying and never letting me down. 

To all our parents and loved ones, especially to Sir Thom and Madam Olivia, we may not show it enough, but we love you more than you'll ever know. I hope I made you proud,  because I'll always be proud to call you my mama and papa. Para po sa inyo ang lahat ng 'to! 

And lastly, to our dear Alma Mater, Loyola College of Culion, I remember entering your gate for the very first time, afraid and unaware of what was waiting for me, but now, I'll be leaving your gate fearful and ready to conquer what lies ahead of me. We are forever grateful and honored to be part of this institution and for all the opportunities and values that shaped us into what we are today and in the hereafter. I will never regret joining the LCC community and will always stand proud to call myself a Loyolan. 

Once again, congratulations to all of us! Hiraya Manawari, at Padayon, Class of 2024! Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam!

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